The Art of Hoarding Board Games: A Journey into the World of Board Game Collecting



In the realm of hobbies and leisure activities, board gaming has experienced a renaissance in recent years. As enthusiasts dive deeper into this immersive world, a fascinating subculture has emerged – the art of hoarding board games. Far from the negative connotations associated with hoarding, collecting board games has become a passionate pursuit for many, leading to the creation of what is affectionately known as a “hoarding board.” Let’s explore this phenomenon and delve into the reasons behind the growing fascination with amassing an extensive collection of board games.

The Rise of Board Game Collecting:

Board games have been a source of entertainment and social interaction for centuries, but the modern board game renaissance has catapulted them into mainstream popularity. With the advent of innovative game design, engaging themes, and diverse mechanics, board games have hoarding boards evolved beyond simple pastimes, becoming an art form appreciated by connoisseurs.

Enthusiasts are drawn to the tactile nature of board games, the joy of face-to-face interaction, and the limitless variety offered by an ever-expanding market. As a result, collecting board games has become a way for aficionados to celebrate the diversity of the hobby and curate their own personalized gaming experiences.

The Anatomy of a Hoarding Board:

A hoarding board is not just a random assortment of games piled haphazardly; rather, it is a carefully curated collection reflecting the collector’s tastes, preferences, and gaming philosophy. Here are some key elements that contribute to the creation of an impressive hoarding board:

  1. Diversity of Genres and Mechanics: Enthusiasts often aim to collect games from a wide range of genres and mechanics. From strategy and deduction to party games and cooperative play, a well-rounded hoarding board offers a game for every occasion and mood.
  2. Artistic Appeal: Board games are not just about gameplay; the visual and tactile aspects play a significant role. Aesthetically pleasing artwork, high-quality components, and unique designs contribute to the overall appeal of a hoarding board.
  3. Limited Editions and Rare Finds: The thrill of the hunt drives many collectors to seek out limited editions, rare releases, and out-of-print gems. Owning a piece of board gaming history adds a sense of exclusivity and accomplishment to the hoarding board.
  4. Thematic Cohesion: Some collectors take pride in creating hoarding boards with a specific theme or narrative. Whether it’s a focus on a particular era, genre, or artistic style, thematic cohesion adds a layer of storytelling to the collection.

The Social Aspect of Hoarding Boards:

Beyond the individual enjoyment of collecting, hoarding boards often serve as focal points for social gatherings. Board game enthusiasts frequently host game nights, inviting friends and fellow collectors to share in the joy of discovering new games and engaging in friendly competition. The shared experience of exploring a well-curated hoarding board can foster a sense of community and strengthen social bonds.


The art of hoarding board games is more than just accumulating boxes; it’s a celebration of creativity, camaraderie, and the joy of play. As the board gaming hobby continues to evolve, so too will the passion for collecting and curating diverse and impressive hoarding boards. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the world of board games, the allure of the hoarding board beckons, inviting you to embark on a journey of discovery and delight within the fascinating realm of tabletop gaming.